Sunday, December 16, 2007

Home at Last

We are FINALLY home. Our trip was rather easy but lengthy almost 24 hours of traveling. When we arrrived in DC, I felt such a relief come over me. We were HOME! We did as instructed by the US consulate and went in the non-US customs line. We were toward the end since we took our time getting off the plane and stopped for a bathroom run. We were not in a hurray as we had plenty of time to make our connection. When we finally got to the Officer, he told us we were on the wrong line. Whatever, he still took our paperwork. It was exciting to realize that not only was Alisha our daughter, turned one but also a US citizen (something we all take for granted). After a slight delay in DC, we finally landed in Philly where Lance and Cathy were waiting for us. It was so wonderful having our friends finally meet Alisha. After getting home and showing Alisha her home, we all were so happy to get into bed together as a family and slept in the next morning.

Unfortunately, the last few days have been hard on her. She is getting over jet lag, time change a new house (that looks and smells different) and I think she started teething. So much to take in for such a little girl. Thankfully, she seemed back to our happy little girl today. If you visited before today, please come back and meet the "real" Alisha.

Grandma Joan arrived the day after we got home to help out and spend some time getting to know her new granddaughter. Mom has been great helping around the house but understands that Jerry and I have to be her sole providers right now. Alisha needs to understand that we are now her parents and will always be here for her. The bonding process will take a while but we are in no rush. We will continue each day to show her all the love we have in our hearts for her.

Since we traveled on Alisha's birthday, we celebrated with a nice dinner with both of her grandmas on Saturday night. Grandma Pat prepared a great dinner and made Alisha a beautiful birthday cake. Alisha really enjoyed it (Can't you tell!)!! She is still confused on presents but loved the gift wrapping paper and tissue paper.

We are having sleep issues. Alisha goes down pretty easy and sleeps well during nap times. But at night, she has been sleeping about 4-5 hours and then wakes up crying. Unfortunately, no matter what we do, she will not go back in her crib. Jerry and I really want to avoid her sleeping with us, but there is no other way to get her back to sleep. We are hoping its just an adjustment thing and she will be back to sleeping all night like she did in China. Wish us luck!

I was going to stop the blog after our trip to China, but have decided to keep it up, so everyone can keep up with Alisha. No promises but keep stopping by for updates.


Unknown said...

I'm so happy to read about your journey!
I'm can' wait to meet Alisha.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jerry & Renee -

I'm a fellow Madison client and have been following your blog... its been great to read about a family who worked with MAA. We hope to be traveling to pick up our daughter in May or June. Thank you so much for sharing your journey! What a beautiful little girl you have! What a wonderful blessing for your family!

As for the sleeping, we are a co-sleeping family... we slept with each til they were over a year old... and I just wanted to offer you reassurance that she won't want to sleep with you forever. And it will be so beneficial to her, and to you. Just treasure your time with her, realize how much good it will do to strengthen her attachment to you, and enjoy getting some sleep! They are never as sweet as they are all snuggled up next to you in bed. Enjoy it... its a fleeting moment in time and will be over before you know it.

- Megan

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. It was wonderful reading your notes about the baby. We wish you both much happiness. The baby is adorable.