Monday, April 7, 2008

March Update

I guess the blog is going to be monthly since as most of you have guessed, I am a horrible blogger. Here's an update on our little sweety:

Day Care

I am back at work! It was a very hard transition for Alisha and I. Alisha is in a home day and we feel very lucky to have found Melanie. Alisha is one of six children (going down to 4 in June) and I think she is learning alot from them. We are not completely sure how much she likes daycare, but thankfully, she no longer is crying when she is dropped off. It makes going to work much easier. Melanie's house is full of kids, dogs and happiness. We are hoping Alisha thrives in this happy environment.

15 month Check-Up

Dr. DiSanto is very happy with Alisha's progress. She weights 19.4 lbs and is 30 inches tall. That lands her just under the 10 percentile for weight and 45 percentile for height. She is finally all caught up on her vaccinations and we will not need to go back until June. He was real happy to see that she has bonded to me in such a short period of time. He said they watch this very closely with adoptive children. Now if she would only start calling me Mommy.


Alisha still will not walk by herself. She likes to walk holding one hand (or finger) or on her walker but will only take a step or two on her own. We have tried letting go of her hand, but she stops in mid step and put her hands down on the ground and starts crawling. Everyone says they do it in their own time and not to push, so we keep waiting.


Alisha's favorite word is "Max" and says it over and over and over and over! It's funny that she likes to say it so much because she doesn't really like being too close to him which we know makes Max happy. She will say Mama and Dada when prompted. She did surprise us yesterday and said Bye- Bye to Nancy as she was leaving the house. What a happy surprise. Maybe there are more words to come.

She may not be saying too many words but she babbles constantly. Sometimes we think she is singing other times she is definately telling us something. If only we could understand babble as much as she is starting to understand what we are saying.

She is also catching on to some of the hand motions in nursery rhymns. She pinches her fingers together when she hears Itsy Bitsy Spider and loves Patty Cake.

Although there may not be alot of words in her vocubulary,,,, she is using a few baby signs. "more" seems to be her favorite especially, when she wants more to eat. Since, she is such a skinny little one, we have no problem to let her keep eating.


Alisha celebrated her first Easter. We decides that this year, we would skip the visit to the Easter Bunny or do an Easter Egg Hunt, but we did give her an Easter basket and filled all of her Easter eggs with CHEERIOS. I know you think I am a mean Mommy.... but she LOVES Cheerios. She was so cute and surprised when we opened the egg to find them in there. Ofcourse, we also put on her first Easter dress and she wore her pretty pink hat that Daddy bought her in China. She looked especially cute!

I think that's it for now.... Will update again soon.