Sunday, August 17, 2008

Grandma's Birthday

Alisha and I went to visit Grandma for her Birthday. Cathy and Mitchell had the family over for a fun evening BBQ. Alisha had the BEST time hanging with everyone. Thanks a bunch for a great day!

Grandma had an extra special birthday present and spent a few hours alone with Alisha the next morning. Not sure who enjoyed the time more, Grandma or Mommy getting the extra sleep.

This picture is my new fav of my little girl. Thanks Dani... you did a great job taking pics!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

She's a Toddler

Over our TV set are several pictures of Alisha taken our first few weeks with her. I am amazed when I look at those pictures and see the little baby we brought home and look over at the toddler she has become. Some changes have been alot more fun than others. Check out the newest Alisha update:
  • Alisha loves dancing or her version of dancing, stomping her feet and swinging her arms. She has no interest in the TV until music comes on then she stops what she is doing to dance along. It makes me laugh everytime.

  • Alisha has started a new phase called Temper Tantrums. Not a mini version.... no not my girl.... she goes all out. It starts with a squat and a scream, then tears, then tears and screams. After trying all the techniques that people say work, talk quietly, make suggestions, change rooms, it usually ends with me putting her in her crib with her "binks" for about 10 minutes. When I come in to get her and ask her if she wants to come out, she says YES and gives me a kiss and a laugh. Wish I thought the episode was as much fun as she did. Hope this phase ends quickly.

  • Alisha loves her baby doll. She constantly talks about BABY, picks up BABY then after a hug or kiss, throws baby on the floor to be forgotten until she spots her again.... and we start all over. Sometimes the scenario changes, if Alisha has a snack handy.... then we must feed baby, hug Baby, kiss baby and then throw her on the floor. She LOVES her BABY, she just doesn't understand that its not "sweet" to throw her on the floor. She also loves her baby stroller and pushes it around the house constantly (good tool to improve her walking). Lately, she also thinks that she fits in the stroller and is always trying to have a seat. Its pretty funny, because little Miss Cautious has a hard getting seated when the stroller keeps moving. But in the end she always figures it out!

  • Alisha BFF is our neighbor, Jack. Jack is 3 and a wonderful little boy. He is so patient with Alisha. Always sharing his toys and explaining to her how to play with them. Alisha calls any little boy with blond hair ACK but keeps the happy scream for our special friend across the street. ACKKKKKKKK!

  • Walking is still not a priority to our little girl. We try to have her walk as much as possible but she prefers to be held or to go on walks in her buggy. Forget about running, she is SLOWWWWW and steady. Her personality is cautious in general and when it comes to walking, she doesn't rush it for anything. She still falls alot.... but walking improves each and every day.
  • Alisha's 3 favorite games are (1) to be chased, "I'm gonna get ya", (2) tickle her or (3) "Where's Alisha". She could do each of them over and over and over again. The chasing game has gotten quite comically, because, you don't even need to chase her anymore, just say the magic words "I'm gonna get ya" and she is off on a trot (see above, no running) ... then she will turn around and trot back to you and fall into your arms then throw her up in the air or tickle her. She loves it. At night before bed, we sit on the couch and try to do "quiet time". Quiet time now consists of tickling Alisha on and off for a 1/2 hour. In fact, she will sign "more" to keep the tickles coming. Who can resist the sweet giggle! Alisha loves to hide. She mostly hides by putting her hands over her face like you can't see her. Also, if you start hiding from her, she will copy whatever technique you are using, squatting, a pillow or going behind the wall. She LOVES all of her little games... who needs expensive toys!

  • Alisha is a child who thrives on schedules and doing things in a particular order. We especially see this during our preparation for bed: Bath, lotion, diaper, jammies, clothes placed in the hamper, brush the teeth and clean the ears. She will remind you if we missed anything or if it is out of order. TOO FUNNY!

  • Alisha loves to say Hello and Good-Bye to everyone including the cars coming up and down our street. We can be in restaurants, stores or on walks and she says hello to everyone in this very soft voice and sometimes does her wave. I feel bad that people don't always answer, but she either says it in such a low voice or says after they have gone by her. Recently, Bye has also included her wanting to leave somewhere. You can tell the difference because she says it more as a question Bbyyeeeeee? Bbyeeeee? This all started on vacation but has continued since we have been home. She is just like her Dad, always wants to be on the go!

  • Alisha is picking up more words each day. Its so much fun to see what her next word will be. Her latest is WOO! and uses it instead of "UH OH". She still uses her version of words and has not really changed them. Anything round is a ball or Ba. Everyone's glass is a baba. And your glass is always more fun to drink out of then her sippy cup. Up and Down are new favs. When she is sitting, she always wants to get DOWN... when she is walking or sitting, she always wants UP. Typical girl for ya.
  • Alisha continues to enjoy daycare. Jerry experienced this first hand the other day when he dropped her off. After carrying her into daycare, he put her down and she went over to the toy bin. After talking with Melanie for a few minutes, Jerry called out Good-by Alisha and instead of turning around, saying good-bye and blowing kisses, all he got was a backward wave as she continued to look for the toy she wanted to play with. We are so happy that Alisha likes daycare, however, can we at least get kisses blown to us when we are leaving? Luckily, I get pick up duty most days and she is so excited to see me I get the scream and squeel of MAMAMAMAMAMAMA!!

  • I am so excited that Alisha's hair is finally long enough to play with. I had it in ponytail but she looks much cuter in pigtails. I told Jerry he is going to have to start doing something with her hair in the morning. He didn't seem all that happy about it. but then again, Alisha doesn't like having you do anything with her hair. But we can't have the girl leaving the house with "bad" hair.

I am sure there is more to tell, but I think this post is long enough.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Beach Vacation

It's always sad when vacation is over but the memories of this one will last a lifetime. Jerry and I had such a great vacation with Alisha. This was our first family vacation since our trip to China. We spent leisurely afternoons at the beach playing in the sand and water, enjoying the playground and ice-cream at night. Alisha is a true beach bunny, she LOVES the sand and water. It was so much fun having that special time with her. We look forward to our next trip together!