Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our First Look

One year ago today, we saw the face of our little girl for the first time. Isn't she beautiful!

Then we saw this picture...

Then finally this picture! Well at least we knew what we were getting ourselves into.

We fell in love with her instantly and a year later words can not describe how lucky we feel. She has filled our life with tons of joy and happiness. We look forward to sharing the rest of our life with our little angel.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Summer's Over

We snuck in one last trip to the beach before the summer ended and introduced Aisha to Dewey Beach! She had a great time, playing on the beach, eating Grottos pizza, going to the Rehobeth Boardwalk.
Always takes Miss Cautious a bit of time getting use to things and the rides on the Boardwalk was no different. We had to at least try the Carousel. She wasn't too happy and couldn't wait to get off. Well.... there is always next year.
Check out Alisha doing her latest move... TOUCHDOWN! Wonder who taught her that!