Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy July

I can't believe it's already July. Alisha is keeping us so busy... the days are just flying by. We've hit a few milestones this past month. First, we've been a family of 3 for 6 months. Hard to believe. In some ways it feels like we were just in China meeting our little girl and then you look at her and realize how much she has grown since that day. AMAZING! We also celebrated our baby's birthday. She is 18 months old. She's getting to be such a big girl!

Some new things....

  • Alisha is really picking up more and more words. Grandma was especially happy during her visit in June when she kept trying to say grandma (narma). Her fav words are BABA, MA (Max) - ruff ruff, Ack (Jack), Baby, Ba (ball) and Down.

  • Her walking is improving everyday and she loves just walking and pushing her toys (or her beach chair) around the house or our new patio.

  • Her favorite toys are the "popper", dishes, balls and cars. She also loves the phone (play or real) and loves to clean things. She walks around the kitchen with a paper towel wiping all the appliances.
  • Summertime has been great for outside activities. We recently got Alisha a baby pool and sandbox. She also loves to take walks in her buggy, especially when she gets a snack to go. Lately, we have been playing ball and she is getting good at playing catch and is learning to kick the ball.

We had 2 big appointments this past week. We had her 18 month check up and Alisha is now 21lbs and 32 inches. The doctor is really happy with her gains. Unfortunately, the appointment ended in tears with Alisha receiving 4 more vaccines. much for such a little one.

We also had our re-evaluation for early intervention. Alisha really showed off and they indicated that she is right on target for her cognitive skills and above average for her speech. It was great knowing all the hard work has been paying off.

We're having a great summer and am really enjoying our new backyard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Alisha, Grandma Joan showed me how to get in touch with you. I have been asking about you for a long time. You are truly adorable and I am very happy to see how wonderful and happy you all look together. I look forward to meeting you in person, so....until then stay happy Best always,